Pastor Kuria Karanja is among the few enigmatic, persuasive and articulate personages you will ever meet. He is the General Overseer of the Church of God, Seventh Day in Kenya. He was born in Murang’a County, in Central Kenya around mid-twentieth century and grew up in the same area.
In 1970s when the Jewish missionary A.M. Schumacher came to Kenya to spread the good news, the young Pastor Karanja was still a student and a vibrant young man, fellowshipping with the Seventh Day Adventists (SDA). His impeccable mastery of the English language and fluency gave him an opportunity to serve as a Kikuyu-English interpreter for Elder Schumacher. His devotion to the ministry further made him a very close friend of the missionary, something that gave him leverage for the workload that would later be left on his young and tender shoulders.
After visiting several towns in Kenya with the missionary, Pastor Karanja realized his call in the Church of God (shepherding God’s flock) and resolutely nodded to the divine call by denouncing his former faith and embracing the good news of the kingdom of God. After the missionary called it a day and left for Jerusalem, Pastor Karanja remained fortified and continued traversing the country with the insatiable urge to deliver the word of truth to all. Among other believers, he became very instrumental in spreading the good news to all the people in Kenya irrespective of their tribes, lifestyles, race and all forms of affiliations.
His has not been a smooth ride; there have been tempestuous times when hurricanes of temptations blow against the church. However, Pastor Kuria Karanja’s composure, determination and resilience have proved his devotion towards the ministry. He does not just react to every commotion like one boxing the air; he solomonically knows when and how to handle situations in the gentlest manner possible. This is undoubtedly one of the main attributes that single him out.
Pastor Kuria Karanja still operates under Church of God Seventh Day headquartered at Eastleigh section three. The church has now branched all over Kenya and beyond. Among other countries where Church of God 7th Day has managed to penetrate includes Tanzania, Ghana, South Africa and Malawi as well as the United States of America. By his keen acumen, he has taken advantage of the current progression in mass media to take the gospel online thereby reaching a wider audience than ever before. This sole reason (being open to positive change and ready to embrace it) may further explain his popularity as well as endearment among the youth; he is a spiritual dad to them all! VIVA OVERSEER!!!