There is a divine power constantly being broadcast from the throne in heaven.
There is a divine power constantly being broadcast from the throne in heaven.
Lesson for April 4 2020, (Nisan10)
Scripture Reading: John 14:12-26
Memory Verse: John 16:13.
NOTE: There is a divine power constantly being
broadcast from the throne in heaven. It is part of the
Father Himself, the precious Holy Spirit, but unless we
desire it, hunger and thirst after it, and ask the Father
earnestly to give it to us, our life will be void and empty of
this power. We will be like the car with the generator
disconnected, there will be no light, or strength within
us. The Spirit is the power that ignites divine virtues in
the soul, and gives us high and noble inspirations,
assisting us in acquiring them; the Father is more willing
to give it to all who ask than the earthly father is willing to
give food to his hungry children. Luke 11:11-13.