Teaching the children
Teaching the children

One large church organazation has made the statement that if they can have a child until he reaches the age of seven, they will have him the rest of his life.

25 April, 2020

One large church organazation has made the statement that if they can have a child until he reaches the age of seven, they will have him the rest of his life.

Lesson for April 25, 2020 (Iyyar 1)
Teaching the children
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:1-10
Memory Verse: Proverbs 22:6

1. In what manner are the children to be taught? Ephesians 6:4, Prov 22:6
One large church organazation has made the statement that if they can have a child until he reaches the age of seven, they will have him the rest of his life.
2. What will be the results in a child's development if left to himself? Prov. 29:15 last part, Prov 22:15, first part.
3. What are children instructed to do? Exo. 20:12; Col 3:20; Eph.6:1-3.
4. Should a parent use caution in the manner in which he punishes his child? Col. 3:21;Eph. 6:4, first part.
5. But should he neglect punishment when needed? Prov.13:24;23:13
6. What is especially important to teach one's children? Deut.10:13, 19:4-9.
7. Are conditions such mow  as to necessitate even more diligence? 2Tim.3:1-3;1Pet.5:8.
8. May others assist the younger women in teaching their children? Tit 2:3-4.
9. What other duty of parents towards children is very needful? 1Tim.5:8.
10. What encouraging condition canwe look for through the working of God's Holy Spirit? Mal.4:6.
Note: If children are left to chance that they might turn out well. The chances are very much against them in the face of the devil conditions of this present day.
11. Should a child be taught to live a covetous, selfish life, or to store treasures in heaven, by giving to the gospel work? Ecc.12:1; Matthew 6:19-21.