Our Sermons
The Daughter of Babylon (Part Two)
The Daughter of Babylon  (Part Two)
It all began in ancient Babylon shortly after the Great Flood of Noah's day. Descending from the mountains of Ararat, the people came to the fertile alluvial basin between the great rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris. They decided to settle there, starting an agricultural community. Under the favorable conditions, they multiplied quickly, since the land's plenitude could easily support them. The only drawback was that there was much human-wildlife conflict as the animals that had emerged from the Ark were also multiplying just as quickly. That was the situation, until a huge powerfully built fellow by the name Nimrod strode into the scene.; Read more
20 October, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth)
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth)
First and foremost, as we stated earlier, arguing that it was nailed on the cross amounts to claiming that the seed of Israel is no more. It equates to claiming that the generations of Israel are no more. Does revelation 12 now flash in your mind? This struggle of attempting to annihilate both Israel and her generations is championed by the dragon himself. And you understand who the dragon is. Don't you? Well, the dragon waging war on Israel and her progeny is the adversary himself, even HaSatan who deceives the world (revelation 12:9).; Read more
08 October, 2022 Ev. Boniface Muthii
YOM HAKIPPURIM (Day of Coverings or atonement)
YOM HAKIPPURIM (Day of Coverings or atonement)
You see, as Hebrews 10 states, what we do today is a shadow of good things to come in the future. From Leviticus 23:23-34 a series of feasts is given. On the first day of the month we have the day of blowing trumpets. On the tenth day of the same month is the feast we have explained above of Atonement. Then from 15th to 22nd of the same seventh month is Sukkoth or Feast of Tabernacles or Booths.; Read more
06 October, 2022 Ev. Boniface Muthii
The Daughter of Babylon- (Part One)
The Daughter of Babylon- (Part One)
The woman of our text, however, is described as a harlot. A fallen, disgraced woman! A woman of the twilight zone. In modern parlance a woman of "easy virtue". The exact opposite of the True Church. So what can such a description mean?; Read more
19 September, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 (Part Two)
The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 (Part Two)
This world power had 10 provinces which roughly correspond to some of the European nations extant today. They were: the Anglo-Saxons (the United Kingdom), the Franks (France), the Alemanni (Germany), the Visigoths (Spain), Lombardy (Italy), Burgundy (Switzerland), Suevi (Portugal), Vandals, Heruli, the Ostrogoths. They are the ten horns on the fourth beast's head.; Read more
18 August, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 (Part one)
The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 (Part one)
In the first year of Babylon's King Belshazzar's reign, the prophet Daniel had a frightening dream. The old prophet saw a strange vision in which: "...four strong winds were striving upon the great sea..." (Daniel 7:2). As Daniel watched, four great beasts, each different from the other, emerged out of the stormy sea.; Read more
11 August, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
Seeing is Not Believing
Seeing is Not Believing
The history of Israel should teach us that miracles are insufficient to sustain faith. Churches such as the vocal Charismatic Movement, which emphasizes mainly on signs and wonders are filled with many tired and 'unbelieving' members. Although people are excited when the miracles happen, they soon forget them and return to the default mode of yearning for more. These people are trapped in an endless cycle of miracles after miracles in order to maintain their cravings.; Read more
22 July, 2022 Deacon Felix Wainana
The Sabbath stands as an eternal monument to Elohim's labours in bringing the universe into being. Yes, that is right; the Sabbath is an eternal, everlasting commemoration of the divine work of creation (cf Exodus 31:13-17). The Sabbath is a celebration of the twinkling, diamond-studded, soft velvet vault of the heavens by night; of the kaleidoscope of colour and visual vibrancy of a tropical coral reef; of the awesome, humbling majesty of soaring snowclad mountain ranges; of the undeniable evidence of divine love, as eloquently expressed in the bewildering variety of fruit, vegetables, grain, spices, meats, and other edibles on display in our markets; Read more
15 July, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
Suddenly, out of the west, came a shaggy Billy goat moving so fast that he did not touch the ground. The he-goat had a prominent horn on his forehead. He viciously attacked the ram and totally overpowered him. He gave him no quarter, but shattered both the ram's horns, defeating him and trampling on him. Indeed no one could save the ram from the Billy goat's murderous rage!; Read more
13 July, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
So what was Amalek's crime to warrant such a harsh judgment from Adonai, the God of Israel?In their sudden, unwarranted attack on Israel, Amalek had breached all the known protocols of war. He had waylaid the stragglers among Israel's tired company and mercilessly massacred them.; Read more
26 June, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
Daniel's Seventy Weeks
Daniel's Seventy Weeks
We live at a time when the horse-and-buggy has long been replaced by motorized vehicles, flying machines have taken to the skies, and we cook using "pressure cookers" and eat from "FAST food" restaurants. In sports, athletics is now a multi-million dollar industry. Ours is also the "Information Age", in which the dissemination of information happens at staggering speeds.; Read more
22 June, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
Count 7 Weeks for yourselves
Count 7 Weeks for yourselves
The reasons for counting may be inexhaustible in this one script just as Torah is inexhaustible. It is true that some of the  treasure mines of the mystery of HaShem might remain untouched well into the world to come, but let it suffice we state that Shavuot encapsulates the dimensions that operate in our sphere of life, namely: space and time.; Read more
04 June, 2022 Ev. Boniface Muthii
In Eden, our first parents had whole shalom. Everything God created was "good", beautiful, harmonious, and balanced in perfect equilibrium. Gan Eden was the most beautiful environment into which God could place the crowning centerpiece of his creative endeavors - man! The spiritual, psychological, and physical fellowship between God and our father Adam was perfect.; Read more
20 May, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu
Counting The Omer to Shavuot
Counting The Omer to Shavuot
The Torah directs us to count seven weeks (49 days) between Nisan 16(During the Feast of Unleavened Bread) to Sivan 6 (Pentecost/Shavuot). This is known as the Counting of the Sheaves or in Hebrew “Sefirat Ha Omer.” (Lev. 23:15-16) This period marks the start of the barley harvest when the children of Israel would bring the first sheaves to the Temple to thank God for the harvest.; Read more
12 May, 2022 Deacon Felix Wainana
Have you ever wondered why it is sometimes so difficult to pray, fast, read the Bible, attend fellowship or keep vigil? Admittedly, there may be other extraneous reasons for difficulty in doing any of the above-mentioned spiritually edifying undertakings. On many fronts, the battle has to do with the unseen, but the very influential spirit world; Read more
09 May, 2022 Pastor Chang'andu