Passover also serves as a memorial of God’s miraculous redemption of the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage during Moses’ day (Exodus 12: 14, 13: 3 - 8, Deuteronomy 16: 1 - 3).;
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Arise Ooh Youth; let your light Shine the world.
Twice every year, the Church of God (Cogmers)in all it churches experiences Wonderful Activities by its Youths.;
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The Church of God, 7th Day has organized the greatest outreach at Kimilili Town this week that will leave the region spiritually nourished and...;
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Every year, The Church organizes a one-week general conference for all youths. The conference is normally at the end of the year and doors are normally open for all youths irrespective of their religion.;
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A question we are likely to ask ourselves as time goes by, as we grow older. As we
try to establish our purpose in this life. What will you look back and say gave you
the greatest fulfillment?;
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The county which is in the Eastern part of the country and approximately 250 Kms from Nairobi has lately seen a tremendous refurbishment in infrastructural and socioeconomic developments.;
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